Saleem Haddad

Saleem Haddad was born in 1983 in Kuwait City to an Iraqi-German mother and a Palestinian-Lebanese father. He has worked with Médecins Sans Frontières and other international organisations in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, and Egypt. His first novel, “Guapa,” was published in 2016, a coming-of-age story of a young gay man living through the 2011 Arab revolutions. The novel received critical acclaim from the New Yorker, The Guardian, and others, was awarded a Stonewall Honour and won the 2017 Polari First Book Prize. Haddad was also selected as one of the top 100 Global Thinkers of 2016 by Foreign Policy Magazine. His essays and short stories have been published in a number of publications and anthologies. His directorial debut, “Marco,” premiered in March 2019, was nominated for the 2019 Iris Prize for Best British Short Film, and is now available on YouTube. He currently lives between Lisbon and Beirut. In June 2017, he was a house guest at LCB with the kindly support of the German Federal Foreign Service.

Saleem Haddad wurde 1983 in Kuwait-Stadt als Sohn einer irakisch-deutschen Mutter und eines palästinensisch-libanesischen Vaters geboren. Er hat mit »Ärzte ohne Grenzen« und anderen internationalen Organisationen im Jemen, in Syrien, im Irak, Libyen, Libanon und Ägypten zusammengearbeitet. Sein erster Roman, »Guapa«, wurde 2016 veröffentlicht (erschienen auf Deutsch im Frühjahr 2017 im Albino Verlag), eine Coming-of-Age-Geschichte eines jungen schwulen Mannes, der die arabischen Revolutionen von 2011 durchlebt. Der Roman wurde von der Kritik u.a. vom New Yorker und The Guardian gelobt, und 2017 mit dem Stonewall Book Award sowie dem Polari First Book Prize ausgezeichnet. Haddad wurde auch vom Foreign Policy Magazine zu einem der Top 100 Global Thinkers of 2016 gewählt. Seine Essays und Kurzgeschichten wurden in einer Reihe von Publikationen und Anthologien veröffentlicht. Sein Regiedebüt »Marco«, das im März 2019 Premiere hatte, wurde für den Iris Prize 2019 als bester britischer Kurzfilm nominiert und ist jetzt auf YouTube verfügbar. Er lebt derzeit zwischen Lissabon und Beirut. Im Juni 2017 war er zu Gast im LCB mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Auswärtigen Amtes.

Saleem Haddad was born in 1983 in Kuwait City to an Iraqi-German mother and a Palestinian-Lebanese father. He has worked with Médecins Sans Frontières and other international organisations in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, and Egypt. His first novel, “Guapa,” was published in 2016, a coming-of-age story of a young gay man living through the 2011 Arab revolutions. The novel received critical acclaim from the New Yorker, The Guardian, and others, was awarded a Stonewall Honour and won the 2017 Polari First Book Prize. Haddad was also selected as one of the top 100 Global Thinkers of 2016 by Foreign Policy Magazine. His essays and short stories have been published in a number of publications and anthologies. His directorial debut, “Marco,” premiered in March 2019, was nominated for the 2019 Iris Prize for Best British Short Film, and is now available on YouTube. He currently lives between Lisbon and Beirut. In June 2017, he was a house guest at LCB with the kindly support of the German Federal Foreign Service.

Saleem Haddad was born in 1983 in Kuwait City to an Iraqi-German mother and a Palestinian-Lebanese father. He has worked with Médecins Sans Frontières and other international organisations in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, and Egypt. His first novel, “Guapa,” was published in 2016, a coming-of-age story of a young gay man living through the 2011 Arab revolutions. The novel received critical acclaim from the New Yorker, The Guardian, and others, was awarded a Stonewall Honour and won the 2017 Polari First Book Prize. Haddad was also selected as one of the top 100 Global Thinkers of 2016 by Foreign Policy Magazine. His essays and short stories have been published in a number of publications and anthologies. His directorial debut, “Marco,” premiered in March 2019, was nominated for the 2019 Iris Prize for Best British Short Film, and is now available on YouTube. He currently lives between Lisbon and Beirut. In June 2017, he was a house guest at LCB with the kindly support of the German Federal Foreign Service.

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