Ebru Nihan Celkan was born in 1979. She is a playwright whose texts have been widely played in Turkey, and she also teaches dramatic writing at the Sabanci University in Istanbul. Her plays deal with the Turkish society, its taboos and abuses. With the kind support of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, she was a guest at LCB in April 2017. In October 2018, her text „Will you come with me?“ was staged at the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin, in 2019 again as part of the project War in Peace at LCB.
Ebru Nihan Celkan, 1979 geboren, ist Autorin und unterrichtet Dramatisches Schreiben an der Sabanci Universität in Istanbul. Die in der Türkei vielgespielte Dramatikerin setzt sich in ihren Stücken mit der türkischen Gesellschaft, ihren Tabus und Missständen auseinander. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Robert Bosch Stiftung war sie Hausgast im LCB im April 2017. Im Oktober 2018 wurde ihr Text »will you come with me?« als szenische Lesung im Studio des Maxim Gorki Theaters, 2019 im Rahmen des Projekts »Krieg im Frieden« im LCB präsentiert.
Ebru Nihan Celkan was born in 1979. She is a playwright whose texts have been widely played in Turkey, and she also teaches dramatic writing at the Sabanci University in Istanbul. Her plays deal with the Turkish society, its taboos and abuses. With the kind support of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, she was a guest at LCB in April 2017. In October 2018, her text „Will you come with me?“ was staged at the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin, in 2019 again as part of the project War in Peace at LCB.
Ebru Nihan Celkan was born in 1979. She is a playwright whose texts have been widely played in Turkey, and she also teaches dramatic writing at the Sabanci University in Istanbul. Her plays deal with the Turkish society, its taboos and abuses. With the kind support of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, she was a guest at LCB in April 2017. In October 2018, her text „Will you come with me?“ was staged at the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin, in 2019 again as part of the project War in Peace at LCB.
Ebru Nihan Celkan was born in 1979. She is a playwright whose texts have been widely played in Turkey, and she also teaches dramatic writing at the Sabanci University in Istanbul. Her plays deal with the Turkish society, its taboos and abuses. With the kind support of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, she was a guest at LCB in April 2017. In October 2018, her text „Will you come with me?“ was staged at the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin, in 2019 again as part of the project War in Peace at LCB.
19 Dienstag
19:30 UhrKrieg im Frieden. Dramatische Lesungen II
»will you come with me?«
Ebru Nihan Celkan»Attentat oder Frische Blumen für Carl Ludwig«
Mehdi Moradpour -
01 Samstag
Krieg im Frieden – Internationales Dramatiker·innenlabor
Das Internationale Dramatiker·innenlabor bietet renommierten Theaterautorinnen und -autoren einen sprachen- und länderübergreifenden Schreib-, Reflexions- und Entwicklungsraum zu aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Themen.
26 Freitag
Krieg im Frieden. Szenische Lesungen
Szenische Lesung mit Texten von Ebru Nihan Celkan (Istanbul), Sivan Ben Yishai (Tel Aviv), Anastasiia Kosodii (Zaporizhzhya) und Mehdi Moradpour (Berlin)
01 Mittwoch
Literatur, Musik und Performance aus Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa
01 Mittwoch
Ein Festival mit Literatur, Musik Performance aus Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa