Amir Gudarzi

Amir Gudarzi graduierte an der einzigen Theaterschule im Iran und absolvierte danach ein Studium in Szenischem Schreiben in Teheran. Seit 2009 lebt Gudarzi unfreiwillig im Exil in Wien, wo er ein Studium in Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaften abschloss. 2017 gewann er den exil-DramatikerInnenpreis. Gudarzis Stück »Die Burg der Assassinen« wurde 2019 zum Stückemarkt des Berliner Theatertreffens eingeladen, 2020 wird sein Stück »Geleemann« in Wien im Werk X am Petersplatz zu sehen sein. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Bundeskanzleramts Österreich wird er Stipendiat im LCB zwischen Oktober und Dezember 2020 sein.

Amir Gudarzi graduated from the only theater school in Iran and then studied scenic writing in Tehran. Since 2009, Gudarzi has been living involuntarily in exile in Vienna, where he completed his formation in theater, film and media studies. In 2017, he won the exile-playwriting-award. In 2019, Gudarzi’s play “Die Burg der Assassinen” was invited to the Stückemarkt des Berliner Theatertreffens, a theatre festival in Berlin. In 2020, his play “Geleemann” will be shown in Vienna at the theater WERK X at Petersplatz. With the kind support of the Austrian Federal Chancellery, he will be house guest at the LCB between October and December 2020.

Amir Gudarzi graduated from the only theater school in Iran and then studied scenic writing in Tehran. Since 2009, Gudarzi has been living involuntarily in exile in Vienna, where he completed his formation in theater, film and media studies. In 2017, he won the exile-playwriting-award. In 2019, Gudarzi’s play “Die Burg der Assassinen” was invited to the Stückemarkt des Berliner Theatertreffens, a theatre festival in Berlin. In 2020, his play “Geleemann” will be shown in Vienna at the theater WERK X at Petersplatz. With the kind support of the Austrian Federal Chancellery, he will be house guest at the LCB between October and December 2020.

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