Aleš Šteger, born in 1973, is a Slovene poet, writer, translator, editor and literary critic. He belongs to a generation of writers that started to publish immediately after the fall of Yugoslavia. His first poetry collection, “Šahovnice ur” (1995), was sold out in three weeks after publication. His books have been translated into 16 languages and his poems appeared in internationally renowned magazines and newspapers as The New Yorker, Die Zeit and Neue Zürcher Zeitung. His English translation of “Knjiga reči” (The Book of Things, BOA Editions, 2010) won two mayor U.S. translation awards (BTBA award and AATSEL). In 1998, he won the Veronika Award for his poetry collection “Kašmir”. Besides, Šteger received the title ‘Chevalier dans le ordre des Arts et des Lettres’ from the French State. He is also the programme director of Beletrina Academic Press that he co-funded and of the international poetry festival ‘Days of Poetry and Wine’, which is held annually in the town of Ptuj, Slovenia.
Aleš Šteger, geboren 1973, ist der bekannteste slowenische Autor seiner Generation. Er studierte Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft und Germanistik in Ljubljana und veröffentlichte bislang fünf Lyrik- sowie mehrere Prosabände. Für seine Werke erhielt Šteger zahlreiche Auszeichnungen. Außerdem übersetzt er aus dem Deutschen, Englischen und Spanischen, u. a. Werke von Gottfried Benn, Peter Huchel und Ingeborg Bachmann.
Aleš Šteger, born in 1973, is a Slovene poet, writer, translator, editor and literary critic. He belongs to a generation of writers that started to publish immediately after the fall of Yugoslavia. His first poetry collection, “Šahovnice ur” (1995), was sold out in three weeks after publication. His books have been translated into 16 languages and his poems appeared in internationally renowned magazines and newspapers as The New Yorker, Die Zeit and Neue Zürcher Zeitung. His English translation of “Knjiga reči” (The Book of Things, BOA Editions, 2010) won two mayor U.S. translation awards (BTBA award and AATSEL). In 1998, he won the Veronika Award for his poetry collection “Kašmir”. Besides, Šteger received the title ‘Chevalier dans le ordre des Arts et des Lettres’ from the French State. He is also the programme director of Beletrina Academic Press that he co-funded and of the international poetry festival ‘Days of Poetry and Wine’, which is held annually in the town of Ptuj, Slovenia.
10 Mittwoch
»Das weiße Meer«: Odyssee nach Europa
Panel I: Rasha Abbas (Syrien), Amanda Michalopoulou (Griechenland) und Vladimir Arsenijević (Serbien)
Moderation: Anne-Dore Krohn (RBB) Thomas Geiger im Gespräch mit Assaf Alassaf (Syrien)
Panel II: Zsófia Bán (Ungarn), Aleš Šteger (Slowenien) und Ingo Schulze (Deutschland)
Moderation: Dieter Heß (Bayerischer Rundfunk) -
26 Freitag
Beyond the Wall. Torgespräche (IV)
Lesung: Juri Andruchowytsch, Paul Nizon, Aleš Šteger
Moderation: Peter von Becker -
29 Freitag
Potyah 76 – Zug 76
Einführung: Juri Andruchowytsch und Oleksandr Bojtschenko
Lesung: Taras Prohasko, Natalka Sniadanko und Oksana Sabuschko
Musik: DJAne Zavoloka + Nata
Moderation: Helmut Böttiger
Empfang mit ukrainischer Küche
Veranstaltungen mit Aleš Šteger
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