Oleksandr Panteliat

Oleksandr Panteliat

Charkiw, Ukraine

Zu Gast im LCB:
November 2017

Oleksandr Panteliat, 1989 in Charkiw geboren, ist Lyriker, Übersetzer und Veranstalter literarischer Veranstaltungen in der Ukraine. Er studierte Translatologie in Charkiw und Graz. 2007 gründete er die Künstlergruppe »Briefe an Betonwänden«. Er erhielt das Schritte-Stipendium der S. Fischer Stiftung., 1989 in Charkiw geboren, ist Lyriker, Übersetzer und Veranstalter literarischer Veranstaltungen in der Ukraine. Er studierte Translatologie in Charkiw und Graz. 2007 gründete er die Künstlergruppe »Briefe an Betonwänden«. Er erhielt das Schritte-Stipendium der S. Fischer Stiftung.

Oleksandr Panteliat © privat

»Berlin is a one-of-a-kind city, in fact it is like many cities in one.«

What are you working on at the moment?
I’m trying to combine translation of poetry with working on my own poems. And as the second component is hard to systematize for me, in terms of the first one I’m working step by step on translations of several German authors, such as: Steven Uhly, Hendrick Rost and Nora Bossong. Firstly, I’d like to improve my previous translations of these so different poets, moreover I’m going to use this opportunity of my stay at LCB to cover a wider range of poems.

How does your stay in the Literary Colloquium Berlin affect you and your work?
It definitely affects both me and my work in a positive way. I’ve probably got the best view from my window I’ve ever had: Wannsee lake, yachts, boats and swans passing by, smoke on the water in the mornings. Such an idyllic picturesqueness as well as tranquility inside the LCB itself leaves me with no other choice but to do my best with my work 🙂

What experiences will you take home?
I believe some time should pass before I can answer this question. Now I’m just trying to perceive and accumulate all that treasure of impressions I got since my arrival. At the moment, I can just say that this time would definitely leave a significant imprint on my memory and my set of mind. Berlin is a one-of-a-kind city, in fact it is like many cities in one. Living in such a unique multidimensional environment like this can’t just pass without any “echo” resounding through my future life and literary activity.

The interview took place in November 2017.

Oleksandr Panteliat im LCB, November 2017, © LCB