Tong Yali, from Taiwan, is a poet, author and translator from German. She obtained a doctor’s degree in film studies from the Free University of Berlin, Germany. Since 2019, she has been an assistant professor in the Department of German Language and Literature at Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei. Her work focuses on borders and women, having a particular inclination towards cross-cultural thinking. She is a two-times winner of the Taipei County Literary Award. She has currently published the collections of poems “Twilight of the Border Territory” and “Moonlight, sleepless”, among others; her literary translation work includes Elfriede Jelinek’s “Wonderful, Wonderful Times”, “The Complete Works of Kafka’s Short Stories” (5 volumes), Christa Wolf’s “They Divided the Sky”‘ and Peter Handke’s “A Sorrow Beyond Dreams”, etc. She has received countless translation grants, such as the Goethe Institute’s, the Deutscher Übersetzerfonds’, TOLEDO’s, the Robert Bosch Foundation’s, etc. In 2017, she was at the Literary Colloquium Berlin as a house guest.
Tong Yali kommt aus Taiwan, ist Poetin, Autorin und Übersetzerin aus dem Deutschen. Sie promovierte im Fach Filmwissenschaft an der Freien Universität Berlin und ist seit 2019 Assistenz-Professorin für Deutsche Literatur und Sprache an der Fu Jen Catholic University in Taipei. Ihr Schreiben und ihre Forschung beschäftigen sich mit Grenzen und dem Weiblichem, und umkreisen dabei gerne Interkulturelles. Bereits zwei Mal hat sie den Literaturpreis des Landkreises Taipei gewonnen. Bisher sind von ihr erschienen: Die Gedichtbände »Grenzlandsdämmerung« (2010), »Mondschein, schlafloser« (2012) und »Traumwandlungen« (2019). Aus dem Deutschen hat sie u.a. übersetzt: »Die Ausgesperrten« von Elfriede Jelinek, »Die gesammelten Kurzgeschichten« von Franz Kafka, »Der geteilte Himmel« von Christa Wolf und »Wunschloses Unglück« von Peter Handke. Sie erhielt zahlreiche Übersetzungsstipendien, u.a. vom Goethe-Institut, dem Deutschen Übersetzerfonds, TOLEDO und der Robert Bosch Stiftung, sowie 2017 ein Aufenthaltsstipendium am Literarischen Colloquium Berlin.
Tong Yali, from Taiwan, is a poet, author and translator from German. She obtained a doctor’s degree in film studies from the Free University of Berlin, Germany. Since 2019, she has been an assistant professor in the Department of German Language and Literature at Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei. Her work focuses on borders and women, having a particular inclination towards cross-cultural thinking. She is a two-times winner of the Taipei County Literary Award. She has currently published the collections of poems “Twilight of the Border Territory” and “Moonlight, sleepless”, among others; her literary translation work includes Elfriede Jelinek’s “Wonderful, Wonderful Times”, “The Complete Works of Kafka’s Short Stories” (5 volumes), Christa Wolf’s “They Divided the Sky”‘ and Peter Handke’s “A Sorrow Beyond Dreams”, etc. She has received countless translation grants, such as the Goethe Institute’s, the Deutscher Übersetzerfonds’, TOLEDO’s, the Robert Bosch Foundation’s, etc. In 2017, she was at the Literary Colloquium Berlin as a house guest.