Olga Bragina, born in 1982, is an author of prose and poetry and a translator. Since 2011, she has published several volumes of poetry, a volume of prose, and most recently the novel Pelicans. She has translated poetry by John High and Katie Farris into Ukrainian. In collaboration with the Goethe Institute and Artists at Risk.
Olga Bragina, 1982 geboren, ist Autorin von Prosa und Lyrik und Übersetzerin. Seit 2011 erschienen mehrere Gedichtbände, ein Prosaband und zuletzt der Roman »Pelikane«. Ins Ukrainische übersetzte sie Lyrik von John High und Katie Farris. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Goethe- Institut und ›Artists at Risk‹.
Olga Bragina, born in 1982, is an author of prose and poetry and a translator. Since 2011, she has published several volumes of poetry, a volume of prose, and most recently the novel Pelicans. She has translated poetry by John High and Katie Farris into Ukrainian. In collaboration with the Goethe Institute and Artists at Risk.
09 Dienstag
19:30 UhrHausgäste im August 2022 (I)
Olga Bragina, Anna Gschnitzer, Demian Lienhard und Tania Rodionova in Lesung und Gespräch
Veranstaltungen mit Olga Bragina