IRYNA TSILYK (born 1982 in Kyiv) is a Ukrainian film director, writer and screenwriter. Director of the award-winning documentary film “The Earth Is Blue As an Orange” which has won the “Directing Award” at Sundance Film Festival 2020, as well as numerous other honors around the world. At the moment, Tsilyk is completing her feature-length fiction film “Rock. Paper. Grenade” based on the novel of Ukrainian prose writer and Iryna’s husband Artem Chekh.
Moreover, Iryna Tsilyk is the author of the books “Depth of Field” (collection of poems, 2016), “Red Marks on Black” (short story collection, 2015), “Such an interesting life” (children’s book, 2015), “The City-tale of One’s Friendship” (children’s adventure novel, 2016), “Birthmarks” (short story collection, 2013), “Awesome Ukraine” (reference English-language edition about Ukraine, 2012), “The Day After Yesterday” (novel, 2008), “Qi”(collection of poems, 2007).
Some of her poems and short stories have been translated into English, German, French, Polish, Lithuanian, Czech, Swedish, Romanian, Catalan, Greek languages, were presented at several international literary festivals and events (the literary residence of LCB (Berlin, 2018), Prague Book Fair 2018, Poesiefestival Berlin 2017, Vienna Book Fair 2017, Leipzig Book Fair 2017, Frankfurt Book Fair 2016, Vilnius Book Fair 2016, The month of author’s readings (Czech Republic, Slovakia 2016), Vilenica International literary festival (Slovenia 2008) and others).
During the years of Russian-Ukrainian war, Iryna has taken part in many various activities like literary readings, documentary shootings, tutoring for children etc. in the war zone in Donbas. Her recent poetry and films reflect this experience.
IRYNA TSILYK (geboren 1982 in Kiew) ist eine ukrainische Filmregisseurin, Schriftstellerin und Drehbuchautorin. Regisseurin des preisgekrönten Dokumentarfilms „The Earth Is Blue As an Orange“, der beim Sundance Film Festival 2020 mit dem „Directing Award“ ausgezeichnet wurde, sowie zahlreicher weiterer Auszeichnungen auf der ganzen Welt. Zurzeit arbeitet Tsilyk an der Fertigstellung ihres abendfüllenden Spielfilms „Rock. Paper. Grenade“, der auf dem Roman des ukrainischen Prosaautors und Irynas Ehemann Artem Chekh basiert.
Außerdem ist Iryna Tsilyk Autorin der Bücher „Depth of Field“ (Gedichtsammlung, 2016), „Red Marks on Black“ (Kurzgeschichtensammlung, 2015), „Such an interesting life“ (Kinderbuch, 2015), „The City-tale of One’s Friendship“ (Kinderabenteuerroman, 2016), „Birthmarks“ (Kurzgeschichtensammlung, 2013), „Awesome Ukraine“ (englischsprachige Referenzausgabe über die Ukraine, 2012), „The Day After Yesterday“ (Roman, 2008), „Qi“ (Gedichtsammlung, 2007).
Einige ihrer Gedichte und Kurzgeschichten wurden ins Englische, Deutsche, Französische, Polnische, Litauische, Tschechische, Schwedische, Rumänische, Katalanische und Griechische übersetzt und auf mehreren internationalen Literaturfestivals und -veranstaltungen präsentiert (Literarische Residenz des LCB (Berlin, 2018), Prager Buchmesse 2018, Poesiefestival Berlin 2017, Wiener Buchmesse 2017, Leipziger Buchmesse 2017, Frankfurter Buchmesse 2016, Vilniuser Buchmesse 2016, Monat der Autorenlesungen (Tschechische Republik, Slowakei 2016), Internationales Literaturfestival Vilenica (Slowenien 2008) und andere).
IRYNA TSILYK (born 1982 in Kyiv) is a Ukrainian film director, writer and screenwriter. Director of the award-winning documentary film “The Earth Is Blue As an Orange” which has won the “Directing Award” at Sundance Film Festival 2020, as well as numerous other honors around the world. At the moment, Tsilyk is completing her feature-length fiction film “Rock. Paper. Grenade” based on the novel of Ukrainian prose writer and Iryna’s husband Artem Chekh.
Moreover, Iryna Tsilyk is the author of the books “Depth of Field” (collection of poems, 2016), “Red Marks on Black” (short story collection, 2015), “Such an interesting life” (children’s book, 2015), “The City-tale of One’s Friendship” (children’s adventure novel, 2016), “Birthmarks” (short story collection, 2013), “Awesome Ukraine” (reference English-language edition about Ukraine, 2012), “The Day After Yesterday” (novel, 2008), “Qi”(collection of poems, 2007).
Some of her poems and short stories have been translated into English, German, French, Polish, Lithuanian, Czech, Swedish, Romanian, Catalan, Greek languages, were presented at several international literary festivals and events (the literary residence of LCB (Berlin, 2018), Prague Book Fair 2018, Poesiefestival Berlin 2017, Vienna Book Fair 2017, Leipzig Book Fair 2017, Frankfurt Book Fair 2016, Vilnius Book Fair 2016, The month of author’s readings (Czech Republic, Slovakia 2016), Vilenica International literary festival (Slovenia 2008) and others).
During the years of Russian-Ukrainian war, Iryna has taken part in many various activities like literary readings, documentary shootings, tutoring for children etc. in the war zone in Donbas. Her recent poetry and films reflect this experience.
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