Djimeli Raoul is a writer and cultural activist. He is the founder and editor of the literary magazine Clijec Mag’, and also chairs the African Festival of Emerging Writings (Festae). His poems and prose have appeared in French, English and been translated into Kiswahili and Spanish, in various collectives and magazines including the intercontinental anthology “Oír ese Río”, published in Colombia. Raoul participated in the Limbe-Lagos Literary Exchange initiated by Bakwa and Saraba Magazine, with the support of the Goethe Institute, and in the inaugural Afro Young Adult Fiction Project, where his short story “Almost The First Time” was included in the anthology “Water Birds on the Lakeshore”. He co-directed the poetic project “Ashes and Memories” on the crisis in English speaking in Cameroon. A two-time winner of the Poetry in Freedom Prize, his writings have also won awards in Côte d’Ivoire and Cameroon. His collection of poems “The Burning Front of Dawn” was published in July 2019 by Les bruits de l’encre, in Bafoussam.
Djimeli Raoul ist Schriftsteller und Kulturaktivist. Er ist Gründer und Herausgeber der Literaturzeitschrift Clijec Mag‘ und leitet das African Festival of Emerging Writings (Festae). Seine Gedichte und Prosa sind auf Französisch und Englisch erschienen und ins Kisuaheli und Spanische übersetzt worden, in verschiedenen Kollektiven und Zeitschriften, darunter die interkontinentale Anthologie »Oír ese Río«, die in Kolumbien veröffentlicht wurde. Raoul nahm am Literaturaustausch Limbe-Lagos teil, der von Bakwa und dem Saraba-Magazin mit Unterstützung des Goethe-Instituts initiiert wurde, sowie am ersten Afro Young Adult Fiction Project, bei dem seine Kurzgeschichte »Almost The First Time« in die Anthologie »Water Birds on the Lakeshore« aufgenommen wurde. Er hat das poetische Projekt »Ashes and Memories« zur Krise im englischsprachigen Kamerun mitgeleitet. Seine Schriften, die zweimal mit dem Preis Poetry in Freedom ausgezeichnet wurden, sind auch in der Elfenbeinküste und in Kamerun prämiert worden. Sein Gedichtband »The Burning Front of Dawn« wurde im Juli 2019 bei Les bruits de l’encre in Bafoussam veröffentlicht.
Djimeli Raoul is a writer and cultural activist. He is the founder and editor of the literary magazine Clijec Mag’, and also chairs the African Festival of Emerging Writings (Festae). His poems and prose have appeared in French, English and been translated into Kiswahili and Spanish, in various collectives and magazines including the intercontinental anthology “Oír ese Río”, published in Colombia. Raoul participated in the Limbe-Lagos Literary Exchange initiated by Bakwa and Saraba Magazine, with the support of the Goethe Institute, and in the inaugural Afro Young Adult Fiction Project, where his short story “Almost The First Time” was included in the anthology “Water Birds on the Lakeshore”. He co-directed the poetic project “Ashes and Memories” on the crisis in English speaking in Cameroon. A two-time winner of the Poetry in Freedom Prize, his writings have also won awards in Côte d’Ivoire and Cameroon. His collection of poems “The Burning Front of Dawn” was published in July 2019 by Les bruits de l’encre, in Bafoussam.
Djimeli Raoul is a writer and cultural activist. He is the founder and editor of the literary magazine Clijec Mag’, and also chairs the African Festival of Emerging Writings (Festae). His poems and prose have appeared in French, English and been translated into Kiswahili and Spanish, in various collectives and magazines including the intercontinental anthology “Oír ese Río”, published in Colombia. Raoul participated in the Limbe-Lagos Literary Exchange initiated by Bakwa and Saraba Magazine, with the support of the Goethe Institute, and in the inaugural Afro Young Adult Fiction Project, where his short story “Almost The First Time” was included in the anthology “Water Birds on the Lakeshore”. He co-directed the poetic project “Ashes and Memories” on the crisis in English speaking in Cameroon. A two-time winner of the Poetry in Freedom Prize, his writings have also won awards in Côte d’Ivoire and Cameroon. His collection of poems “The Burning Front of Dawn” was published in July 2019 by Les bruits de l’encre, in Bafoussam.