Anna Kove

Anna Kove (born in 1968 in Pogradec) is a well-known poet and translator from Albania. She graduated in Albanian Language and Literature at the University of Tirana (1986-1990), and continued her post-graduate (Master) studies in “Media and Intercultural Communication” at the European University of Viadrina (2002-2004), in Germany. She is the author of many poetry books, such as “Shën Valentin ku ishe” (Where were you, Saint Valentine), “Djegë Ujërash” (Scorching Tides), “Nimfa e pemës së humbur” (Nymph of the Lost Tree), “Kambanat e së dielës” (Sunday bells) and has been awarded many prizes. Anna Kove is considered by critics, academics and journalists one of the most distinguished contemporary authors in Albania. She has also been awarded various prizes and scholarships for translation, including the “Schritte Stipendien” from the S. Fischer Foundation at the Literary Colloquium Berlin.

Anna Kove (geb. 1968 in Pogradec) ist eine bekannte Dichterin und Übersetzerin aus Albanien. Sie studierte „Albanische Sprache und Literatur“ an der Universität Tirana (1986-1990) und setzte in Deutschland ihr postuniversitäres (Master-)Studium in „Medien und interkulturelle Kommunikation“ an der Europäischen Universität Viadrina (2002-2004) fort. Sie ist Autorin vieler Gedicht- und Prosabände, u.a. »Wo warst du St. Valentin«, »Wasserbrennen«, »Die Nymphe des verlorenen Baumes«, »Sonntagsglocken«. Als eine der angesehensten zeitgenössischen Autorinnen in Albanien wurde sie mit zahlreichen Preisen geehrt. Auch als Übersetzerin wurde sie mit vielen Preisen und Stipendien ausgezeichnet, darunter mit dem Schritte-Stipendium der S. Fischer-Stiftung am Literarischen Colloquium Berlin.

Anna Kove (born in 1968 in Pogradec) is a well-known poet and translator from Albania. She graduated in Albanian Language and Literature at the University of Tirana (1986-1990), and continued her post-graduate (Master) studies in “Media and Intercultural Communication” at the European University of Viadrina (2002-2004), in Germany. She is the author of many poetry books, such as “Shën Valentin ku ishe” (Where were you, Saint Valentine), “Djegë Ujërash” (Scorching Tides), “Nimfa e pemës së humbur” (Nymph of the Lost Tree), “Kambanat e së dielës” (Sunday bells) and has been awarded many prizes. Anna Kove is considered by critics, academics and journalists one of the most distinguished contemporary authors in Albania. She has also been awarded various prizes and scholarships for translation, including the “Schritte Stipendien” from the S. Fischer Foundation at the Literary Colloquium Berlin.

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