Željka Gorički, born in 1982, translates German and English literature into Croatian, among others Robert Seethaler, Lukas Bärfuss and Maya Angelou. She received a scholarship from the S. Fischer Foundation (a major German publishing house), and spent a month as a guest at the LCB, in August 2019.
Željka Gorički, 1982 geboren, übersetzt deutsch- und englischsprachige Literatur ins Kroatische, u. a. Robert Seethaler, Lukas Bärfuss und Maya Angelou. Sie erhielt das Schritte-Stipendium der S. Fischer Stiftung und war im August 2019 zu Gast im LCB.
Željka Gorički, born in 1982, translates German and English literature into Croatian, among others Robert Seethaler, Lukas Bärfuss and Maya Angelou. She received a scholarship from the S. Fischer Foundation (a major German publishing house), and spent a month as a guest at the LCB, in August 2019.