Żanna Słoniowska (born in Lviv-Lwów-Lemberg-Leopolis) is a Ukrainian-born Polish novelist. She is a winner of Znak literary prize for her novel „Dom z witrażem“ („The house with the stained-glass window“) and Conrad prize for the best Polish literary debut. The novel was also short-listed for the Nike award.
„In 1989, Marianna, the beautiful star soprano at the Lviv opera, is shot dead in the street as she leads the Ukrainian citizens in their protest against Soviet power. Only eleven years old at the time, her daughter tells the story of their family before and after that critical moment – including, ten years later, her own passionate affair with an older, married man“ – the description from MacLehose press, British publisher of the novel.
The novel has been translated into 5 languages: Ukrainian, English, Russian, French and German. The 6 language (Spanish) is work in progress. In 2019 her second novel „The Island“ had been published and translated into Ukrainian language so far.
Żanna Słoniowska (born in Lviv-Lwów-Lemberg-Leopolis) is a Ukrainian-born Polish novelist. She is a winner of Znak literary prize for her novel „Dom z witrażem“ („The house with the stained-glass window“) and Conrad prize for the best Polish literary debut. The novel was also short-listed for the Nike award.
„In 1989, Marianna, the beautiful star soprano at the Lviv opera, is shot dead in the street as she leads the Ukrainian citizens in their protest against Soviet power. Only eleven years old at the time, her daughter tells the story of their family before and after that critical moment – including, ten years later, her own passionate affair with an older, married man“ – the description from MacLehose press, British publisher of the novel.
The novel has been translated into 5 languages: Ukrainian, English, Russian, French and German. The 6 language (Spanish) is work in progress. In 2019 her second novel „The Island“ had been published and translated into Ukrainian language so far.
Żanna Słoniowska (born in Lviv-Lwów-Lemberg-Leopolis) is a Ukrainian-born Polish novelist. She is a winner of Znak literary prize for her novel „Dom z witrażem“ („The house with the stained-glass window“) and Conrad prize for the best Polish literary debut. The novel was also short-listed for the Nike award.
„In 1989, Marianna, the beautiful star soprano at the Lviv opera, is shot dead in the street as she leads the Ukrainian citizens in their protest against Soviet power. Only eleven years old at the time, her daughter tells the story of their family before and after that critical moment – including, ten years later, her own passionate affair with an older, married man“ – the description from MacLehose press, British publisher of the novel.
The novel has been translated into 5 languages: Ukrainian, English, Russian, French and German. The 6 language (Spanish) is work in progress. In 2019 her second novel „The Island“ had been published and translated into Ukrainian language so far.