Vasyl Lozynsky, born in 1982, is a Ukrainian poet, essayist and translator from German and Polish. He studied German language and literature in Lviv and Berlin. His volumes of poetry have appeared in translation in German, Polish and English. He is also a member of the editorial board of the online journal „prostory“ and belongs to the curators‘ association „Kunstrat“. He received a „Schritte- Stipendium“ from the S. Fischer Foundation.
Vasyl Lozynsky, 1982 geboren, ist ukrainischer Lyriker, Essayist und Übersetzer aus dem Deutschen und Polnischen. Er hat in Lwiw und Berlin Germanistik studiert. Seine Lyrikbände erschienen in der Übersetzung auf Deutsch, Polnisch und Englisch. Ferner ist er Redaktionsmitglied der Online-Zeitschrift »prostory« und gehört der Kuratorenvereinigung »Kunstrat« an. Er erhielt ein „Schritte- Stipendium“ der S. Fischer Stiftung.
Vasyl Lozynsky, born in 1982, is a Ukrainian poet, essayist and translator from German and Polish. He studied German language and literature in Lviv and Berlin. His volumes of poetry have appeared in translation in German, Polish and English. He is also a member of the editorial board of the online journal „prostory“ and belongs to the curators‘ association „Kunstrat“. He received a „Schritte- Stipendium“ from the S. Fischer Foundation.