Prof. Dr. Vahidin Preljević (1975) ist Germanist, Literaturübersetzer (Werke von Christa Wolf, Novalis, Büchner, Wedekind, Eduard von Keyserling, Hofmannsthal u.a.), Kulturtheoretiker und Essayist. Er ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für deutschsprachige Literatur und Kulturwissenschaft an der Universität Sarajevo und schrieb Bücher zur Frühromantik, Musil, Literaturgeschichte des Körpers und postimperialer Konstellation in der österreichischen Literatur, auch ca. 60 Aufsätze über Literatur und politische Imagination, Jung-Wien, die Gegenwartsliteratur u.a. Seit Juni 2013 ist er wissenschaftlicher Betreuer der Österreich-Bibliothek in Sarajevo, seit 2014 Co-Leiter des Doktoratsstudiums »Deutsche Sprache und deutschsprachige Literatur im Kontext der Medienkultur«. Außerdem ist er stellvertretender Chefredakteur der philologischen Zeitschrift »Pismo« und der Literaturzeitschrift »Život« (Sarajevo), Mitherausgeber der Kulturzeitschrift »Behar« (Zagreb) und der Reihe »Identifications« im Verlag Königshausen & Neumann. Seit Oktober 2017 ist er Träger des Ehrenkreuzes für Wissenschaft und Kunst der Republik Österreich.
Prof. Dr. Vahidin Preljević (1975) is a Germanist, literary translator (works by Christa Wolf, Novalis, Büchner, Wedekind, Eduard von Keyserling, Hofmannsthal and others), cultural theorist and essayist. He holds the chair of “German-language literature and cultural studies” at the University of Sarajevo and has written books on early Romanticism, Musil, literary history of the body, and post-imperial constellation in Austrian literature, besides nearly 60 essays on literature and political imagination, Young Vienna, contemporary literature, and others. Since June 2013 he has been the academic supervisor of the Austria Library in Sarajevo, and since 2014 the co-director of the doctoral program “German Language and German-language Literature in the Context of Media Culture.” He is also deputy editor-in-chief of the philological journal “Pismo” and the literary journal “Život” (Sarajevo), co-editor of the cultural journal “Behar” (Zagreb) and the series “Identifications” published by Königshausen & Neumann. Since October 2017, he has been a recipient of the Cross of Honor for Science and Art of the Republic of Austria.
Prof. Dr. Vahidin Preljević (1975) is a Germanist, literary translator (works by Christa Wolf, Novalis, Büchner, Wedekind, Eduard von Keyserling, Hofmannsthal and others), cultural theorist and essayist. He holds the chair of “German-language literature and cultural studies” at the University of Sarajevo and has written books on early Romanticism, Musil, literary history of the body, and post-imperial constellation in Austrian literature, besides nearly 60 essays on literature and political imagination, Young Vienna, contemporary literature, and others. Since June 2013 he has been the academic supervisor of the Austria Library in Sarajevo, and since 2014 the co-director of the doctoral program “German Language and German-language Literature in the Context of Media Culture.” He is also deputy editor-in-chief of the philological journal “Pismo” and the literary journal “Život” (Sarajevo), co-editor of the cultural journal “Behar” (Zagreb) and the series “Identifications” published by Königshausen & Neumann. Since October 2017, he has been a recipient of the Cross of Honor for Science and Art of the Republic of Austria.