The Chinese author Sheng Keyi was born in 1973 in Hunan Province and moved to Beijing in the 1990s. Since 2003, she has produced an extensive body of narrative work that is also internationally recognized and, like the novel “Wild Fruit” (English translation by Random House, 2018), is characterized by a critical view of the Chinese society and its social conflicts. With the kind support of the Confucius Institute and sponsored by the Writers in Residency Program, Hanban Beijing, she was a fellow at the LCB in January 2019.
Die chinesische Autorin Sheng Keyi wurde 1973 in der Provinz Hunan geboren und zog in den neunziger Jahren nach Peking. Seit 2003 ist ein umfangreiches Erzählwerk entstanden, das auch international wahrgenommen wird und sich, wie etwa der Roman »Wild Fruit« (engl. Übersetzung bei Random House, 2018), durch den kritischen Blick auf die chinesische Gesellschaft und ihre sozialen Konflikte auszeichnet. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch das Konfuzius-Institut und gefördert durch das Writers in Residency Program, Hanban Peking, war sie Stipendiatin im LCB im Januar 2019.
The Chinese author Sheng Keyi was born in 1973 in Hunan Province and moved to Beijing in the 1990s. Since 2003, she has produced an extensive body of narrative work that is also internationally recognized and, like the novel “Wild Fruit” (English translation by Random House, 2018), is characterized by a critical view of the Chinese society and its social conflicts. With the kind support of the Confucius Institute and sponsored by the Writers in Residency Program, Hanban Beijing, she was a fellow at the LCB in January 2019.
14 Montag
18:15 UhrFlying Visits
Sheng Keyi zu Gast im Konfuzius-Institut
Moderation: Dagmar Yu-Dembski