Sebastián Peña Escobar is a filmmaker, writer and cultural producer from Paraguay. He studied economics and international business in Paraguay, the United States and Italy, and was selected for postgraduate research and writing programs in cultural theory funded by the Centro de Artes Visuales/Museo del Barro, and the Prince Klaus and Rockefeller Foundations. Since 2002, he has developed, produced and edited magazines, books and audiovisual content. Besides short stories and poetry, he has published essays on cultural theory and history, as well as articles and op-eds in local newspapers and magazines on a wide array of themes ranging from economics and history, to cinema, photography, nature conservancy issues and world affairs. As a filmmaker he has produced two feature films and a documentary which premiered and travelled to nearly 200 festivals around the world. Currently he is working on his first documentary project as writer and director.
Sebastián Peña Escobar ist ein paraguayischer Filmemacher, Schriftsteller und Kulturproduzent. Nach dem Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften und internationalem Business in Paraguay, den Vereinigten Staaten und Italien, erhielt er ein Stipendium der Prinz Claus Fundation, der Rockerfeller Stiftung und dem Kunstzentrum Museo del Barro für seine Forschungs- und Abschlussarbeit über kreative Schreibprogramme in der Kulturtheorie. Seit 2002 produziert, editiert und entwickelt er Zeitschriften, Bücher und audiovisuelle Beiträge. Neben Kurzgeschichten und Gedichten hat er Essays zur Kulturtheorie und Geschichte sowie Artikel und Beiträge in lokalen Zeitungen und Zeitschriften über Wirtschaft und Geschichte bis hin zu Kino, Fotografie, Natur, Nachhaltigkeitsfragen und Weltanschauung veröffentlicht. Sebastián Peña Escobar produzierte bisher zwei Spielfilme und einen Dokumentarfilm, welche internationale Preise erhielten (u.a. bei der Berlinale) und an ca. 200 internationalen Filmfestivals teilnahmen. Derzeit arbeitet er an seinem ersten Dokumentarfilm als Autor und Regisseur.
Sebastián Peña Escobar is a filmmaker, writer and cultural producer from Paraguay. He studied economics and international business in Paraguay, the United States and Italy, and was selected for postgraduate research and writing programs in cultural theory funded by the Centro de Artes Visuales/Museo del Barro, and the Prince Klaus and Rockefeller Foundations. Since 2002, he has developed, produced and edited magazines, books and audiovisual content. Besides short stories and poetry, he has published essays on cultural theory and history, as well as articles and op-eds in local newspapers and magazines on a wide array of themes ranging from economics and history, to cinema, photography, nature conservancy issues and world affairs. As a filmmaker he has produced two feature films and a documentary which premiered and travelled to nearly 200 festivals around the world. Currently he is working on his first documentary project as writer and director.