Sami Özbudak

Ahmet Sami Özbudak was born in Hatay, Turkey in 1980. He studied Literature in İstanbul University and graduated in 2003. Since then he has been working as a journalist in many newspapers and magazines. He has also been writing plays since 1998 and taking backstage roles in theatres since 2002. He started attending the New Text New Theater Project in 2010 where he developed “Stain”. With this play he won 2011 Heidelberger Stückemarkts ‘Europäischen Autorenpreises‘ award. “Stain” was also produced by GalataPerform in 2013. Ozbudak has won the Best Playwright Award at the Theater Awards in Istanbul in October 2013. He also won Afife Jale Award in April 2014 which is one of the most prestigious theater award in Turkey, with the same play.

In the summer of 2014, his novel ‚Masturi Kabare‘ was published by Artemis Publications. Özbudak’s play „Hayal-i Temsil“, which tells the life of Afife Jale and Bedia Muvahhit, took place in the repertoire of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality City Theaters and met its audience in 2014.  In the 2015-2016 season, his play „A Rabbit in a Snow Globe/Karküresinde Bir Tavşan“ was staged on the İkinci Kat Theater.  The play „Stain“ was published by Artemis Publications in the format of a novel and a theatrical text and met with the readers.  For the 2017-2018 season, his play „Sherlock-Hamid“, written for Bakırköy Municipal Theaters, was put on stage. Again this season, he directed the play „Mutluyduk Belki Bugüne Kadar“ on behalf of TwoTwo Production.  With this play, he was nominated among the best director at the Afife Awards. He directed the play „Red Speedo“, which is also a work of Two Two Production, where he transformed the pool of historical Pera Palace Hotel into a stage.

His „Meçhul Paşa“ was put on stage by Tiyatro Adam in 2018. His another play „Süleymankurt“ that he has written for Berlin Maksim Gorki Theater met the audience in Berlin at Studio R.

Özbudak wrote the play ‚Klan‘ for the 2019-2020 season.

In the summer of 2019, his new novel ‚Balkonlu Bakkal‘ was published by Artemis Publications again.

He wrote and directed the play „Gomidas“, which was put on stage as a production of  the  Yolcu Tiyatro during Istanbul Theater Festival in 2020. He wrote the play „Yel“ for the Fringe Ensemble community, which was directed by the famous German director Frank Heuel.

Ahmet Sami Özbudak lives and writes in Istanbul.


2011 Heidelberger Stückemarkt European Young Writer Award;  İz/Stain.

2013 ‚Theater… Theater Magazine‘ Playwright of the Year Award;  İz/Stain.

2013 Afife, Cevat Fehmi Başkut Special Award within the scope of 2014 Afife Awards; İz/Stain.

2016 New Theater Magazine, Aydın Arıt Playwright of the Year Award; Hayal-i Temsil.

2016 Ekin Yazın Dostları, Playwright of the Year Award; Hayal-i Temsil.

2017 Direklerarası Seyircileri Jury Award;  Balat Monologues Museum.  (Project Curator)

2018 Turkish Critics Association Best Play Award;  Martı/Seagull (Adaptation)

2018 Direklerarası Seyircileri Best Ensemble;  Mutluyduk Belki Bugüne Kadar (Director)

2018 ‚Türkan Kahramankaptan Special Awards;  Sherlock Hamid Playwright of the Year.

2019 Üstün Akmen Awards Best Playwright of the Year;  Meçhul Paşa

Ahmet Sami Özbudak wurde 1980 in Hatay, Türkei, geboren. Er studierte Literatur an der Universität Istanbul und schloss sein Studium 2003 ab. Seitdem arbeitet er als Journalist für verschiedene Zeitungen und Zeitschriften. Seit 1998 schreibt er auch Theaterstücke und spielt seit 2002 hinter den Kulissen von Theatern. Seit 2010 nimmt er am New Text New Theater Project teil, wo er das Stück „Stain“ entwickelte. Mit diesem Stück gewann er 2011 den Heidelberger Stückemarkts ‚Europäischen Autorenpreises‘. „Stain“ wurde 2013 auch von GalataPerform produziert. Ozbudak gewann den Preis für den besten Dramatiker bei den Theater Awards in Istanbul im Oktober 2013. Mit demselben Stück gewann er im April 2014 auch den Afife Jale Award, einen der renommiertesten Theaterpreise in der Türkei.
Im Sommer 2014 wurde sein Roman „Masturi Kabare“ bei Artemis Publications veröffentlicht. Özbudaks Stück „Hayal-i Temsil“, das das Leben von Afife Jale und Bedia Muvahhit erzählt, wurde in das Repertoire der Stadttheater von Istanbul aufgenommen und fand 2014 sein Publikum. In der Spielzeit 2015-2016 wurde sein Stück „A Rabbit in a Snow Globe/Karküresinde Bir Tavşan“ am İkinci Kat Theater aufgeführt. Das Stück „Stain“ wurde von Artemis Publications im Format eines Romans und eines Theatertextes veröffentlicht und fand großen Anklang bei den Lesern. In der Spielzeit 2017-2018 wurde sein Stück „Sherlock-Hamid“, das er für das Bakırköy Municipal Theaters geschrieben hatte, auf die Bühne gebracht. Auch in dieser Spielzeit führte er bei dem Stück „Mutluyduk Belki Bugüne Kadar“ im Auftrag von TwoTwo Production Regie. Mit diesem Stück wurde er bei den Afife Awards für die beste Regie nominiert. Er führte Regie bei dem Stück „Red Speedo“, ebenfalls ein Werk von Two Two Production, bei dem er den Pool des historischen Pera Palace Hotels in eine Bühne verwandelte.
Sein „Meçhul Paşa“ wurde 2018 von Tiyatro Adam auf die Bühne gebracht. Sein weiteres Stück „Süleymankurt“, das er für das Berliner Maksim Gorki Theater geschrieben hat, wurde in Berlin im Studio R aufgeführt.
Für die Spielzeit 2019-2020 schrieb Özbudak das Stück „Klan“.
Im Sommer 2019 wurde sein neuer Roman „Balkonlu Bakkal“ im Artemis Verlag wieder veröffentlicht.
Er schrieb und inszenierte das Stück „Gomidas“, das als Produktion des Yolcu Tiyatro während des Istanbuler Theaterfestivals im Jahr 2020 auf die Bühne gebracht wurde. Für die Fringe Ensemble Community schrieb er das Stück „Yel“, das unter der Regie des berühmten deutschen Regisseurs Frank Heuel aufgeführt wurde.

Ahmet Sami Özbudak lebt und schreibt in Istanbul.

2011 Heidelberger Stückemarkt European Young Writer Award; İz/Stain.
2013 ‚Theater… Theater Magazin‘ Playwright of the Year Award; İz/Stain.
2013 Afife, Cevat Fehmi Başkut Special Award im Rahmen der Afife Awards 2014; İz/Stain.
2016 New Theater Magazine, Aydın Arıt Playwright of the Year Award; Hayal-i Temsil.
2016 Ekin Yazın Dostları, Preis für den Dramatiker des Jahres; Hayal-i Temsil.
2017 Direklerarası Seyircileri Jury Award; Balat Monologues Museum. (Projektkuratorin)
2018 Türkischer Kritikerverband Preis für das beste Stück; Martı/Seagull (Adaption)
2018 Direklerarası Seyircileri Bestes Ensemble; Mutluyduk Belki Bugüne Kadar (Regie)
2018 ‚Türkan Kahramankaptan Special Awards; Sherlock Hamid Dramatiker des Jahres.
2019 Üstün Akmen Awards Bester Dramatiker des Jahres; Meçhul Paşa


Ahmet Sami Özbudak was born in Hatay, Turkey in 1980. He studied Literature in İstanbul University and graduated in 2003. Since then he has been working as a journalist in many newspapers and magazines. He has also been writing plays since 1998 and taking backstage roles in theatres since 2002. He started attending the New Text New Theater Project in 2010 where he developed “Stain”. With this play he won 2011 Heidelberger Stückemarkts ‘Europäischen Autorenpreises‘ award. “Stain” was also produced by GalataPerform in 2013. Ozbudak has won the Best Playwright Award at the Theater Awards in Istanbul in October 2013. He also won Afife Jale Award in April 2014 which is one of the most prestigious theater award in Turkey, with the same play.

In the summer of 2014, his novel ‚Masturi Kabare‘ was published by Artemis Publications. Özbudak’s play „Hayal-i Temsil“, which tells the life of Afife Jale and Bedia Muvahhit, took place in the repertoire of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality City Theaters and met its audience in 2014.  In the 2015-2016 season, his play „A Rabbit in a Snow Globe/Karküresinde Bir Tavşan“ was staged on the İkinci Kat Theater.  The play „Stain“ was published by Artemis Publications in the format of a novel and a theatrical text and met with the readers.  For the 2017-2018 season, his play „Sherlock-Hamid“, written for Bakırköy Municipal Theaters, was put on stage. Again this season, he directed the play „Mutluyduk Belki Bugüne Kadar“ on behalf of TwoTwo Production.  With this play, he was nominated among the best director at the Afife Awards. He directed the play „Red Speedo“, which is also a work of Two Two Production, where he transformed the pool of historical Pera Palace Hotel into a stage.

His „Meçhul Paşa“ was put on stage by Tiyatro Adam in 2018. His another play „Süleymankurt“ that he has written for Berlin Maksim Gorki Theater met the audience in Berlin at Studio R.

Özbudak wrote the play ‚Klan‘ for the 2019-2020 season.

In the summer of 2019, his new novel ‚Balkonlu Bakkal‘ was published by Artemis Publications again.

He wrote and directed the play „Gomidas“, which was put on stage as a production of  the  Yolcu Tiyatro during Istanbul Theater Festival in 2020. He wrote the play „Yel“ for the Fringe Ensemble community, which was directed by the famous German director Frank Heuel.

Ahmet Sami Özbudak lives and writes in Istanbul.


2011 Heidelberger Stückemarkt European Young Writer Award;  İz/Stain.

2013 ‚Theater… Theater Magazine‘ Playwright of the Year Award;  İz/Stain.

2013 Afife, Cevat Fehmi Başkut Special Award within the scope of 2014 Afife Awards; İz/Stain.

2016 New Theater Magazine, Aydın Arıt Playwright of the Year Award; Hayal-i Temsil.

2016 Ekin Yazın Dostları, Playwright of the Year Award; Hayal-i Temsil.

2017 Direklerarası Seyircileri Jury Award;  Balat Monologues Museum.  (Project Curator)

2018 Turkish Critics Association Best Play Award;  Martı/Seagull (Adaptation)

2018 Direklerarası Seyircileri Best Ensemble;  Mutluyduk Belki Bugüne Kadar (Director)

2018 ‚Türkan Kahramankaptan Special Awards;  Sherlock Hamid Playwright of the Year.

2019 Üstün Akmen Awards Best Playwright of the Year;  Meçhul Paşa

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