Sabah Carrim has authored two novels, namely “Humeirah” and “Semi-Apes”, both set in Mauritius, where she was born. Her short stories have been shortlisted and published in various competitions organised internationally by Commonwealth Writers (“Plaine Verte”), Goethe Institute South Africa (“Tara’s Hair”), Odd Voice Out Press (“Size of Rice”), and recently by the Bristol Short Story Prize (“The Evil in Me”). One of her nonfiction works (“Dismantling Life”) was also a semi-finalist in the Gabriele Rico Challenge for Creative Nonfiction, and was published in Reed Magazine in 2020. Sabah was invited to be judge of the African Short Story Award, as well as to deliver the keynote speech on Cultural Stereotypes in African Literature at the African Writers Festival held in Nairobi in 2019. Besides, she is a law lecturer, and holds a PhD in Genocide Studies and Prevention with a focus on the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge era. She was recently awarded a scholarship to pursue an MFA in Creative Writing in the US. Her upcoming collection of poetry, “Flowers of Silence” is scheduled for publication in 2021.
Sabah Carrim hat zwei Romane verfasst, »Humeirah« und »Semi-Apes«, die beide in Mauritius spielen, wo sie geboren wurde. Ihre Kurzgeschichten kamen bei verschiedenen internationalen Wettbewerben in die Shortlist und veröffentlicht, etwa von Commonwealth Writers (»Plaine Verte«), dem Goethe-Institut Südafrika (»Tara’s Hair«), Odd Voice Out Press (»Size of Rice«) und kürzlich vom Bristol Short Story Prize (»The Evil in Me«). Eines ihrer Sachbücher (»Dismantling Life«) war im Halbfinale der Gabriele Rico Challenge for Creative Nonfiction und wurde 2020 im Reed Magazine veröffentlicht. Sabah wurde eingeladen, als Jurorin für den African Short Story Award zu fungieren und die Keynote über kulturelle Stereotypen in der afrikanischen Literatur beim African Writers Festival 2019 in Nairobi zu halten. Außerdem ist sie Dozentin für Rechtswissenschaften und promovierte in Völkermordstudien und -prävention mit Schwerpunkt auf den Gräueltaten der Ära der Roten Khmer. Kürzlich erhielt sie ein Stipendium für ein Master für Kreatives Schreiben in den USA. Ihre kommende Gedichtsammlung »Flowers of Silence« soll 2021 erscheinen.
Sabah Carrim has authored two novels, namely “Humeirah” and “Semi-Apes”, both set in Mauritius, where she was born. Her short stories have been shortlisted and published in various competitions organised internationally by Commonwealth Writers (“Plaine Verte”), Goethe Institute South Africa (“Tara’s Hair”), Odd Voice Out Press (“Size of Rice”), and recently by the Bristol Short Story Prize (“The Evil in Me”). One of her nonfiction works (“Dismantling Life”) was also a semi-finalist in the Gabriele Rico Challenge for Creative Nonfiction, and was published in Reed Magazine in 2020. Sabah was invited to be judge of the African Short Story Award, as well as to deliver the keynote speech on Cultural Stereotypes in African Literature at the African Writers Festival held in Nairobi in 2019. Besides, she is a law lecturer, and holds a PhD in Genocide Studies and Prevention with a focus on the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge era. She was recently awarded a scholarship to pursue an MFA in Creative Writing in the US. Her upcoming collection of poetry, “Flowers of Silence” is scheduled for publication in 2021.