Rahman Abbas was born in 1972 in India. He studied English literature and Urdu at the University of Mumbai. His works have received multiple awards, for example the State Academy’s Fiction Award (2011) for the novel “Khuda Ke Saaye My Ankh Micholi” and the Sahitya Akademi Award (2018), the highest Indian literary prize, for the novel “Rohzin”. He currently resides in Thane, India, and works as research officer and linguist for the think tank Strategic Foresight Group. Recently, he was in Germany to research for a novel project funded by the Crossing Borders program of the Robert Bosch Foundation and the LCB.
Rahman Abbas, geboren 1972 in Indien, studierte Urdu und englische Literatur an der Universität Mumbai. Seine Werke wurden mehrfach ausgezeichnet, u.a. erhielt er den State Academy’s Fiction Award (2011) für den Roman »Khuda Ke Saaye Mein Ankh Micholi« und den Sahitya Akademi Award (2018), den höchsten indischen Literaturpreis, für den Roman »Rohzin«, welcher 2018 in deutscher Sprache unter dem Titel »Die Stadt, das Meer, die Liebe« im Draupadi Verlag erschien. Zurzeit wohnt er in Thane, Indien und arbeitet als Forschungsbeauftragter und Linguist für den Thinktank Strategic Foresight Group. Er wurde vor kurzem durch das Grenzgänger-Programm der Robert Bosch Stiftung und des LCB gefördert und recherchierte für ein Romanprojekt in Deutschland.
Rahman Abbas was born in 1972 in India. He studied English literature and Urdu at the University of Mumbai. His works have received multiple awards, for example the State Academy’s Fiction Award (2011) for the novel “Khuda Ke Saaye My Ankh Micholi” and the Sahitya Akademi Award (2018), the highest Indian literary prize, for the novel “Rohzin”. He currently resides in Thane, India, and works as research officer and linguist for the think tank Strategic Foresight Group. Recently, he was in Germany to research for a novel project funded by the Crossing Borders program of the Robert Bosch Foundation and the LCB.