Rafael Spregelburd (1970) is a laywright, actor, director. Based in Buenos Aires, his plays have crossed many borders, frequently being staged in theatres in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and Latin America. He has been translated into fourteen languages and is himself a translator of theatre, having produced Argentinian Spanish translations of works by Harold Pinter, Steven Berkoff, Sarah Kane, Martin Crimp and Marius von Mayenburg. His work in cinema, where he has appeared in over forty films, has brought him wide recognition as an actor. On behalf of TOLEDO, he has conceived a “Republic of Translators”, the collective translation performance “Pongamos por caso”, part of the digital FILBA festival program.
Rafael Spregelburd (1970) ist Dramatiker, Schauspieler und Regisseur. Lebt in Buenos Aires, während seine Stücke etliche Grenzen überschreiten und in Deutschland, Italien, der Schweiz und überall in Lateinamerika im Theater zu sehen sind. Er wurde in 14 Sprachen übersetzt und übersetzt selbst für die Bühne, u.a. ist er verantwortlich für die argentinischen Fassungen von Harold Pinter, Steven Berkoff, Sarah Kane, Martin Crimp, und Marius von Mayenburg. Das Kino hat ihn, mit Rollen in über vierzig Filmen, als Schauspieler bekannt gemacht. Im Auftrag von TOLEDO hat er eine »Republik der Übersetzer·innen« konzipiert, die kollektive Übersetzunsperformance »Pongamos por caso«, Teil des digitalen FILBA-Festivalprogramms.
Rafael Spregelburd (1970) is a laywright, actor, director. Based in Buenos Aires, his plays have crossed many borders, frequently being staged in theatres in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and Latin America. He has been translated into fourteen languages and is himself a translator of theatre, having produced Argentinian Spanish translations of works by Harold Pinter, Steven Berkoff, Sarah Kane, Martin Crimp and Marius von Mayenburg. His work in cinema, where he has appeared in over forty films, has brought him wide recognition as an actor. On behalf of TOLEDO, he has conceived a “Republic of Translators”, the collective translation performance “Pongamos por caso”, part of the digital FILBA festival program.