Mookie Katigbak-Lacuesta was born in 1980 in the Philippines. She has a BA in Mass Communications at the Ateneo de Manila University (2001) and a MFA in Creative Writing at The New School University (2004), in New York. She has four poetry books, “The Proxy Eros” (2008), “Burning Houses” (2013), “Hush Harbor” (2017), “Eros Redux” (2019), and several articles and poems published in literary newspapers and magazines. In 2012, she was delegate of the Philippines to the International Festival of Poetry, in Medellín, Colombia. Two years later, she won the Poetry category in the Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature, considered the Pulitzer Prize of the Philippines in terms of prestige. Formerly, she received a second place (2008) and a third (2005) in the same competition. She won the Poetry category of the Philippines Free Press Award, in 2007. In 2015, she completed a residence at the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa, USA.
Mookie Katigbak-Lacuesta wurde 1980 auf den Philippinen geboren. Sie absolvierte ein Bachelorstudium in Massenkommunikation an der Ateneo de Manila University (2001) und ein Masterstudium in Kreativem Schreiben an der New School University (2004) in New York. Sie hat vier Gedichtbände verfasst: »The Proxy Eros« (2008), »Burning Houses« (2013), »Hush Harbor« (2017), »Eros Redux« (2019), sowie mehrere Artikel und Gedichte, die in literarischen Zeitungen und Zeitschriften veröffentlicht wurden. Im Jahr 2012 war sie Delegierte der Philippinen beim Internationalen Festival der Poesie in Medellín, Kolumbien. Zwei Jahre später gewann sie in der Kategorie Poesie bei den Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature, welche, was ihr Prestige angeht, als Pulitzer-Preis der Philippinen gelten. Zuvor erhielt sie im selben Wettbewerb einen zweiten Platz (2008) und einen dritten Platz (2005). Im Jahr 2007 gewann sie in der Kategorie Poesie des philippinischen Free Press Award. Im Jahr 2015 absolvierte sie einen Aufenthalt am International Writing Program an der Universität von Iowa, USA.
Mookie Katigbak-Lacuesta was born in 1980 in the Philippines. She has a BA in Mass Communications at the Ateneo de Manila University (2001) and a MFA in Creative Writing at The New School University (2004), in New York. She has four poetry books, “The Proxy Eros” (2008), “Burning Houses” (2013), “Hush Harbor” (2017), “Eros Redux” (2019), and several articles and poems published in literary newspapers and magazines. In 2012, she was delegate of the Philippines to the International Festival of Poetry, in Medellín, Colombia. Two years later, she won the Poetry category in the Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature, considered the Pulitzer Prize of the Philippines in terms of prestige. Formerly, she received a second place (2008) and a third (2005) in the same competition. She won the Poetry category of the Philippines Free Press Award, in 2007. In 2015, she completed a residence at the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa, USA.