Michael Theophilus Dom, born in 1977, is a poet and scientist, graduated from University of Adelaide (PhD in animal science) and University of Papua New Guinea (BSc in chemistry), and working at the Papua New Guinea National Agriculture Research Institute. Dom is doing science & technology research for developing Papua New Guinea’s smallholder agriculture and livestock sector. In 2012, Dom won the Poetry Award of PNG’s national literary competition, The Crocodile Prize, for his sonnet “I met a pig farmer the other day”. His first collection of poetry, “At another Crossroads”, was published by the UPNG Press in 2013. Michael’s second collection, “The Musing of an Assistant Pig Keeper”, and two chapbooks, “O Arise!” and “Send words as gifts”, were published on the CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform in 2015 and 2016 respectively. His most recent publications are “Dried grass over rough-cut logs” and “26 sonnets”, by PNG independent publishers late Francis Nii and Jordan Dean, respectively.
Michael Theophilus Dom, geboren 1977, ist Dichter und Wissenschaftler. Er studierte an der Universität Adelaide (PhD in Tierwissenschaften) und an der Universität von Papua-Neuguinea (BSc in Chemie) und arbeitet am Nationalen Agrarforschungsinstitut von Papua-Neuguinea. Dom betreibt Forschung in Wissenschaft und Technologie zur Entwicklung der kleinbäuerlichen Landwirtschaft und Viehzucht in Papua-Neuguinea. Im Jahr 2012 gewann Dom den Poesiepreis des nationalen Literaturwettbewerbs von PNG, The Crocodile Prize, für sein Sonett »I met a pig farmer the other day«. Sein erster Gedichtband, »At another Crossroads«, wurde 2013 von der UPNG Press veröffentlicht. Michaels zweiter Gedichtband, »The Musing of an Assistant Pig Keeper«, und zwei Brochüren, »O Arise!« und »Send words as gifts«, wurden 2015 bzw. 2016 auf der unabhängigen Verlagsplattform CreateSpace veröffentlicht. Seine jüngsten Veröffentlichungen sind »Dried grass over rough-cut logs« und »26 sonnets«, die von den unabhängigen Verlegern Francis Nii und Jordan Dean aus PNG herausgegeben wurden.
Michael Theophilus Dom, born in 1977, is a poet and scientist, graduated from University of Adelaide (PhD in animal science) and University of Papua New Guinea (BSc in chemistry), and working at the Papua New Guinea National Agriculture Research Institute. Dom is doing science & technology research for developing Papua New Guinea’s smallholder agriculture and livestock sector. In 2012, Dom won the Poetry Award of PNG’s national literary competition, The Crocodile Prize, for his sonnet “I met a pig farmer the other day”. His first collection of poetry, “At another Crossroads”, was published by the UPNG Press in 2013. Michael’s second collection, “The Musing of an Assistant Pig Keeper”, and two chapbooks, “O Arise!” and “Send words as gifts”, were published on the CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform in 2015 and 2016 respectively. His most recent publications are “Dried grass over rough-cut logs” and “26 sonnets”, by PNG independent publishers late Francis Nii and Jordan Dean, respectively.
Michael Theophilus Dom, born in 1977, is a poet and scientist, graduated from University of Adelaide (PhD in animal science) and University of Papua New Guinea (BSc in chemistry), and working at the Papua New Guinea National Agriculture Research Institute. Dom is doing science & technology research for developing Papua New Guinea’s smallholder agriculture and livestock sector. In 2012, Dom won the Poetry Award of PNG’s national literary competition, The Crocodile Prize, for his sonnet “I met a pig farmer the other day”. His first collection of poetry, “At another Crossroads”, was published by the UPNG Press in 2013. Michael’s second collection, “The Musing of an Assistant Pig Keeper”, and two chapbooks, “O Arise!” and “Send words as gifts”, were published on the CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform in 2015 and 2016 respectively. His most recent publications are “Dried grass over rough-cut logs” and “26 sonnets”, by PNG independent publishers late Francis Nii and Jordan Dean, respectively.