Marija Dejanović is a Bosnian-born Croatian poet, critic, and feminist, currently living between
Croatia and Greece. She studied Comparative literature and Pedagogy at the University of Zagreb.
She is the author of three poetry books, for which she received many awards, and of a theatre play that
was awarded the
Marin Držić
Award by the Ministry of Culture and Media in Croatia. Her work is
centered around the relationship between the identity of a female migrant and different spaces, nature,
animals, other people, or society.
Her poems have been translated into around 20 languages, and the publications of her latest book,
“Kindness Separates Day and Night”, are upcoming in the USA, Greece, Macedonia, and Serbia. She
is one of the editors of Tema Magazine, assistant director of the Thessalian Poetry Festival, and a
member of the Croatian Writers’ Society and the Croatian P.E.N. centre.
Marija Dejanović ist eine in Bosnien geborene kroatische Dichterin, Kritikerin und Feministin, die derzeit zwischen Kroatien und Griechenland lebt. Sie studierte Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft und Pädagogik an der Universität Zagreb und ist Autorin von drei Gedichtbänden, für die sie zahlreiche Preise erhielt, und eines Theaterstücks, das mit dem Marin Držić-Preis des kroatischen Ministeriums für Kultur und Medien ausgezeichnet wurde. Ihr Werk dreht sich um die Beziehung von der Identität einer Migrantin in verschiedenen Räumen, der Natur, den Tieren, anderen Menschen oder der Gesellschaft. Ihre Gedichte wurden in rund 20 Sprachen übersetzt und ihr neuestes Buch „Kindness Separates Day and Night“, wird demnächst in den USA, Griechenland, Mazedonien und Serbien veröffentlicht. Sie ist eine der Herausgeberinnen des Tema Magazine, stellvertretende Leiterin des Thessalischen Poesiefestivals und Mitglied der kroatischen Schriftstellervereinigung und des kroatischen P.E.N.-Zentrums.
Marija Dejanović is a Bosnian-born Croatian poet, critic, and feminist, currently living between
Croatia and Greece. She studied Comparative literature and Pedagogy at the University of Zagreb.
She is the author of three poetry books, for which she received many awards, and of a theatre play that
was awarded the
Marin Držić
Award by the Ministry of Culture and Media in Croatia. Her work is
centered around the relationship between the identity of a female migrant and different spaces, nature,
animals, other people, or society.
Her poems have been translated into around 20 languages, and the publications of her latest book,
“Kindness Separates Day and Night”, are upcoming in the USA, Greece, Macedonia, and Serbia. She
is one of the editors of Tema Magazine, assistant director of the Thessalian Poetry Festival, and a
member of the Croatian Writers’ Society and the Croatian P.E.N. centre.