Ki-Sook Lee studied German Language & Literature at Yonsei University in Seoul. After graduating, she continued her studies in Linguistics and Philosophy at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, where she earned her doctorate in linguistics in 1991. After returning to Korea, she taught German at Yonsei University and Hanyang University in Seoul. She has worked as a freelance translator since 2000. To date she has translated more than 40 titles, mainly literary works, children’s and youth literature, as well as publications related to the humanities and the arts. Her translation of Jörg Döring and Tristan Thielmann’s work “Spatial Turn. Das Raumparadigma in den Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften” (Spatial Turn. The paradigm of place in cultural and social studies) was awarded with the Simone Translator Prize for German and Korean Literature in 2016. In 2017, she received a scholarship from the LCB to participate in the 2017 summer academy in Berlin. Ki-Sook Lee lives in Seoul.
Ki-Sook Lee studierte Germanistik an der Yonsei University in Seoul. Anschließend setzte sie ihr Studium an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf in den Fächern Linguistik und Philosophie fort. 1991 promovierte sie dort in Linguistik. Nach ihrer Rückkehr nach Korea unterrichtete sie Deutsch an der Yonsei University und der Hanyang University in Seoul. Seit 2000 ist sie als freischaffende Übersetzerin tätig. Bis heute hat sie mehr als 40 Titel übersetzt, vorwiegend aus den Genres Literatur, Geistes- und Kunstwissenschaft sowie Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Ihre Übersetzung von Jörg Döring und Tristan Thielmanns Werk »Spatial Turn. Das Raumparadigma in den Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften« wurde 2016 mit dem Simone-Übersetzerpreis für deutsche und koreanische Literatur ausgezeichnet. 2017 erhielt sie ein Stipendium des Literarischen Colloquiums Berlin für die Teilnahme an der Sommerakademie 2017 in Berlin. Ki-Sook Lee lebt in Seoul.
Ki-Sook Lee studied German Language & Literature at Yonsei University in Seoul. After graduating, she continued her studies in Linguistics and Philosophy at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, where she earned her doctorate in linguistics in 1991. After returning to Korea, she taught German at Yonsei University and Hanyang University in Seoul. She has worked as a freelance translator since 2000. To date she has translated more than 40 titles, mainly literary works, children’s and youth literature, as well as publications related to the humanities and the arts. Her translation of Jörg Döring and Tristan Thielmann’s work “Spatial Turn. Das Raumparadigma in den Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften” (Spatial Turn. The paradigm of place in cultural and social studies) was awarded with the Simone Translator Prize for German and Korean Literature in 2016. In 2017, she received a scholarship from the LCB to participate in the 2017 summer academy in Berlin. Ki-Sook Lee lives in Seoul.