Kadhem Khajar

Kadhem Khanjar is a poet and performer from Iraq, born near Babylon in 1990. His poetry collection “Picnic with Explosive Belt” was published in Arabic by Dar al-Maktutat in the Netherlands and by Al-Mutawassit in Italy, and his collection “Blood Dealer” was published in Antoine Jockey’s French translation as “Marchand de Sang” by Plaine Page. Along with some friends, he set up a project called Culture Militia, a group which performs poetry in sites of destruction and death including blown-up cars, minefields, bombed out-houses, ambulances, ISIS cages, and mass graves. With the kind support of the German Foreign Office, Kadhem Khanjar was a house guest at the LCB in October 2019.

Kadhem Khanjar ist Lyriker und Performer und wurde 1990 in der Nähe von Babylon geboren. Seine Gedichtbände »Picknick mit Sprengstoffgürtel« und »Wir kämpfen zum Vergnügen« erschienen im Herbst 2019 unter dem Titel »Dieses Land gehört euch« in Sandra Hetzls Übersetzung im mikrotext Verlag. Zusammen mit einigen Freunden rief Kadhem Khanjar ein Projekt namens „Culture Militia“ ins Leben: eine Gruppe, die an Orten der Zerstörung und des Todes Gedichte aufführt, in gesprengten Autos, zerbombten Häusern, Krankenwagen, ISIS-Käfigen, und auf Massengräbern und Minenfeldern. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Auswärtigen Amts war Kadhem Khanjar Hausgast im LCB im Oktober 2019.

Kadhem Khanjar is a poet and performer from Iraq, born near Babylon in 1990. His poetry collection “Picnic with Explosive Belt” was published in Arabic by Dar al-Maktutat in the Netherlands and by Al-Mutawassit in Italy, and his collection “Blood Dealer” was published in Antoine Jockey’s French translation as “Marchand de Sang” by Plaine Page. Along with some friends, he set up a project called Culture Militia, a group which performs poetry in sites of destruction and death including blown-up cars, minefields, bombed out-houses, ambulances, ISIS cages, and mass graves. With the kind support of the German Foreign Office, Kadhem Khanjar was a house guest at the LCB in October 2019.

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