Julijana Velichkovska (1982, Skopje ‒ Macedonia) is a writer, editor, and translator.
She graduated at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje ― Faculty of Philology „Blazhe Koneski“ ― Skopje and is a board member of the international poetry festival Velestovo Poetry Night – Ohrid; she is a member of the Macedonian Writers‘ Association and the founder of the publishing house PNV Publikacii in Skopje, Macedonia, as well as co-founder and director of the Skopje Poetry Festival. She is the author of the monograph XX Years of Velestovo Poetry Night (2009, VPN), two poetry books: Mosquitoes (2010, VPN) and Open Book (2017, PNV Publikacii), the novel Seasons (2014, PNV Publikacii) and the children’s book Vedra (2022, PNV Publikacii. She has translated more than twenty-five books of poetry and prose from English, Russian, Croatian and Montenegrin. Her poetry is translated into twenty world languages. Her poetry was also published in many anthologies of Macedonian contemporary poetry published in Macedonia, Serbia, Czech Republic, Italy, Greece, and Columbia, as well as one world contemporary poetry anthology published in China, and a poetry collection of 7 European poets published in Albania. Her short stories have been published in three anthologies in Macedonia. Her novel Seasons was translated and published in Bulgarian by Ergo, Sofia, 2017.
Julijana Velichkovska (1982, Skopje – Mazedonien) ist Schriftstellerin, Redakteurin und Übersetzerin.
Sie schloss ihr Studium an der Ss. Cyril und Methodius Universität in Skopje – Fakultät für Philologie „Blazhe Koneski“ – Skopje und ist Vorstandsmitglied des internationalen Poesiefestivals Velestovo Poetry Night – Ohrid; sie ist Mitglied des mazedonischen Schriftstellerverbandes und Gründerin des Verlages PNV Publikacii in Skopje, Mazedonien, sowie Mitbegründerin und Leiterin des Skopje Poetry Festivals. Sie ist Autorin der Monografie XX Years of Velestovo Poetry Night (2009, VPN) und zweier Gedichtbände: Mosquitoes (2010, VPN) und Open Book (2017, PNV Publikacii), dem Roman Seasons (2014, PNV Publikacii) und des Kinderbuchs Vedra (2022, PNV Publikacii). Sie hat mehr als fünfundzwanzig Bücher mit Lyrik und Prosa aus dem Englischen, Russischen, Kroatischen und Montenegrinischen übersetzt. Ihre Gedichte wurden in zwanzig Weltsprachen übersetzt. Ihre Gedichte wurden auch in zahlreichen Anthologien zeitgenössischer mazedonischer Poesie veröffentlicht, die in Mazedonien, Serbien, der Tschechischen Republik, Italien, Griechenland und Kolumbien erschienen sind, sowie in einer weltweiten Anthologie zeitgenössischer Poesie, die in China veröffentlicht wurde, und in einer Gedichtsammlung von sieben europäischen Dichtern, die in Albanien herausgegeben wurde. Ihre Kurzgeschichten wurden in drei Anthologien in Mazedonien veröffentlicht. Ihr Roman Seasons wurde ins Bulgarische übersetzt und 2017 bei Ergo, Sofia, veröffentlicht.
Julijana Velichkovska (1982, Skopje ‒ Macedonia) is a writer, editor, and translator.
She graduated at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje ― Faculty of Philology „Blazhe Koneski“ ― Skopje and is a board member of the international poetry festival Velestovo Poetry Night – Ohrid; she is a member of the Macedonian Writers‘ Association and the founder of the publishing house PNV Publikacii in Skopje, Macedonia, as well as co-founder and director of the Skopje Poetry Festival. She is the author of the monograph XX Years of Velestovo Poetry Night (2009, VPN), two poetry books: Mosquitoes (2010, VPN) and Open Book (2017, PNV Publikacii), the novel Seasons (2014, PNV Publikacii) and the children’s book Vedra (2022, PNV Publikacii. She has translated more than twenty-five books of poetry and prose from English, Russian, Croatian and Montenegrin. Her poetry is translated into twenty world languages. Her poetry was also published in many anthologies of Macedonian contemporary poetry published in Macedonia, Serbia, Czech Republic, Italy, Greece, and Columbia, as well as one world contemporary poetry anthology published in China, and a poetry collection of 7 European poets published in Albania. Her short stories have been published in three anthologies in Macedonia. Her novel Seasons was translated and published in Bulgarian by Ergo, Sofia, 2017.