Jan Carson is a writer and community arts facilitator based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. She has a novel (“Malcolm Orange Disappears”, Liberties Press) and a short story collection (“Children’s Children”, Liberties Press), two micro-fiction collections (“Postcard Stories” and “Postcard Stories 2”, Emma Press). Her novel “The Fire Starters” was published by Doubleday in April 2019. It won the EU Prize for Literature for Ireland in 2019 and the Kitschies Prize for Speculative Fiction in 2020. It was shortlisted for the Dalkey Book Prize in 2020. “The Last Resort”, a ten part BBC Radio 4 short story series and accompanying short story collection is forthcoming from Doubleday in early 2021 and a novel, “No Promised Land”, in July 2021. In 2018, Jan was the inaugural Translink/Irish Rail Roaming Writer in Residence on the Trains of Ireland. She was the Open Book Scotland Writer in Lockdown 2020.
Jan Carson ist Schriftstellerin und engagiert sich als Kunstvermittlerin in verschiedenen Kultureinrichtungen in Belfast. Ihr Debütroman »Malcolm Orange Disappears« (Liberties Press) erschien 2014. Ihr jüngster Roman »The Fire Starters« (Doubleday Ireland) wurde 2019 mit dem Literaturpreis der EU ausgezeichnet. 2015 startete sie das Postcard Story Project und verschickt seitdem Hunderte von Postkarten mit ihren Kurzgeschichten und Gedichten.
Jan Carson is a writer and community arts facilitator based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. She has a novel (“Malcolm Orange Disappears”, Liberties Press) and a short story collection (“Children’s Children”, Liberties Press), two micro-fiction collections (“Postcard Stories” and “Postcard Stories 2”, Emma Press). Her novel “The Fire Starters” was published by Doubleday in April 2019. It won the EU Prize for Literature for Ireland in 2019 and the Kitschies Prize for Speculative Fiction in 2020. It was shortlisted for the Dalkey Book Prize in 2020. “The Last Resort”, a ten part BBC Radio 4 short story series and accompanying short story collection is forthcoming from Doubleday in early 2021 and a novel, “No Promised Land”, in July 2021. In 2018, Jan was the inaugural Translink/Irish Rail Roaming Writer in Residence on the Trains of Ireland. She was the Open Book Scotland Writer in Lockdown 2020.