Florin Irimia was born in 1976. He has published three novels, a collection of interlinked short stories about memory, childhood and personal trauma, as well as two translations of Margaret Atwood’s novels. In 2013, his debut novel “Defekt” was winner of the “Festival du premier roman de Chambéry-Savoie” (First Novel Festival). He lives in Iași, Romania, where he teaches English and North American literature at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University. Florin Irimia will spend August 2020 as a guest of the Literary Colloquium Berlin.
Florin Irimia wurde 1976 geboren. Er hat drei Romane, eine Sammlung von miteinander verbundenen Kurzgeschichten über Erinnerung, Kindheit und persönliche Traumata, sowie zwei Übersetzungen von Margaret Atwoods Romanen veröffentlicht. Sein Debütroman »Defekt« wurde 2013 beim »Festival du premier roman de Chambéry-Savoie« (Festival des Debütromans) ausgezeichnet. Er lebt in Iași, Rumänien, wo er an der Alexandru Ioan Cuza Universität englische und nordamerikanische Literatur unterrichtet. Florin Irimia wird den August 2020 als Gast des Literarischen Colloquiums Berlin verbringen.
Florin Irimia was born in 1976. He has published three novels, a collection of interlinked short stories about memory, childhood and personal trauma, as well as two translations of Margaret Atwood’s novels. In 2013, his debut novel “Defekt” was winner of the “Festival du premier roman de Chambéry-Savoie” (First Novel Festival). He lives in Iași, Romania, where he teaches English and North American literature at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University. Florin Irimia will spend August 2020 as a guest of the Literary Colloquium Berlin.