Ashani Shalika Ranasinghe

Ashani Shalika Ranasinghe first studied German, Japanese, and Fine Arts before graduating with a Master’s in Linguistics from the University of Kelaniya. Since 2000, she has worked there as a lecturer of German. In 2006, Ashani Shalika Ranasinghe began translating novels and short stories, primarily from German literature. In addition to working as a translator, she is responsible for creating lesson plans and textbooks for advanced German language instruction at the National Institute of Education. She also holds seminars for German instructors in this role. In 2016, she participated in a seminar for foreign German instructors in Göttingen as well as a teacher training seminar at the Goethe-Institut Sri Lanka in Colombo. Ashani Shalika Ranasinghe has received numerous scholarships including scholarships for language courses at the University of Freiburg and the Goethe-Institut in Düsseldorf. She lives in Kelaniya near Colombo.

Ashani Shalika Ranasinghe studierte zunächst Deutsch, Japanisch und Fine Arts und absolvierte anschließend ein Masterstudium in Linguistik an der Universität von Kelaniya. Seit dem Jahr 2000 ist sie dort als Dozentin für Deutsche Sprache tätig. 2006 begann Ashani Shalika Ranasinghe Romane und Kurzgeschichten, hauptsächlich aus der deutschen Literatur zu übersetzen. Neben ihrer Tätigkeit als Übersetzerin ist sie beim National Institute of Education für die Erstellung von Lehrplänen und Lehrbüchern für fortgeschrittenen Deutschunterricht zuständig. In dieser Funktion führt sie auch Seminare für Deutschlehrer durch. 2016 nahm sie an einem Seminar für ausländische Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer in Göttingen sowie an einer Lehrerfortbildung des Goethe-Instituts Sri Lanka in Colombo teil. Ashani Shalika Ranasinghe hat mehrere Stipendien erhalten, unter anderem Sprachkursstipendien an der Universität Freiburg und am Goethe-Institut in Düsseldorf. Sie lebt in Kelaniya unweit von Colombo.

Ashani Shalika Ranasinghe first studied German, Japanese, and Fine Arts before graduating with a Master’s in Linguistics from the University of Kelaniya. Since 2000, she has worked there as a lecturer of German. In 2006, Ashani Shalika Ranasinghe began translating novels and short stories, primarily from German literature. In addition to working as a translator, she is responsible for creating lesson plans and textbooks for advanced German language instruction at the National Institute of Education. She also holds seminars for German instructors in this role. In 2016, she participated in a seminar for foreign German instructors in Göttingen as well as a teacher training seminar at the Goethe-Institut Sri Lanka in Colombo. Ashani Shalika Ranasinghe has received numerous scholarships including scholarships for language courses at the University of Freiburg and the Goethe-Institut in Düsseldorf. She lives in Kelaniya near Colombo.

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