Ariuntsetseg Ganbold studied German Language and Literature at the National University of Mongolia. In 2000 she earned her Master’s in Comparative Linguistics. From 1999 to 2005, she worked as a lecturer of German at the National University of Mongolia. From 2005 to 2012, she studied German as a Foreign Language at the University of Kassel and worked as an instructor of German at the Institut für Sprachen (IfS), a language institute in Kassel. Since returning to Mongolia in 2012, she has worked as an executive editor at Monsudar Publishing. Her work focuses on the areas of education, psychology, and linguistics. In recent years, literary translation (and translation editing projects) have also become an increasingly important part of her work. Ariuntsetseg Ganbold lives in Ulaanbaatar.
Ariuntsetseg Ganbold studierte Germanistik an der Nationaluniversität der Mongolei. Im Jahr 2000 erwarb sie ihren Master in vergleichender Sprachwissenschaft. Von 1999 bis 2005 arbeitete sie als Dozentin für Deutsch an der Nationaluniversität der Mongolei. Von 2005 bis 2012 studierte sie an der Universität Kassel Deutsch als Fremdsprache und arbeitete als Lehrkraft für Deutsch am Institut für Sprachen in Kassel. Seit ihrer Rückkehr in die Mongolei 2012 arbeitet sie im Monsudar-Verlag als Chefredakteurin. Der Schwerpunkt ihrer Arbeit liegt in den Bereichen Pädagogik, Psychologie und Linguistik. Darüber hinaus machen in den letzten Jahren literarische Übersetzungen (und Übersetzungsredaktionen) einen immer wichtigeren Teil ihrer Arbeit aus. Ariuntsetseg Ganbold lebt in Ulaanbaatar.
Ariuntsetseg Ganbold studied German Language and Literature at the National University of Mongolia. In 2000 she earned her Master’s in Comparative Linguistics. From 1999 to 2005, she worked as a lecturer of German at the National University of Mongolia. From 2005 to 2012, she studied German as a Foreign Language at the University of Kassel and worked as an instructor of German at the Institut für Sprachen (IfS), a language institute in Kassel. Since returning to Mongolia in 2012, she has worked as an executive editor at Monsudar Publishing. Her work focuses on the areas of education, psychology, and linguistics. In recent years, literary translation (and translation editing projects) have also become an increasingly important part of her work. Ariuntsetseg Ganbold lives in Ulaanbaatar.