Aldino Muianga was born in 1950 in the capital of Mozambique, currently called Maputo but called Lourenço Marques at the time of his birth. He has a Medical degree from the Eduardo Mondlane University and specialized in General Surgery. He published stories for outlets such as the newspaper Domingo and Tempo magazine. His extensive literary work (short stories, essays, novels), from 1987 onwards, were published in Mozambique, Portugal, Brazil, Switzerland, France and other countries. He coordinated the literary page of the magazine SAPES, published in Zimbabwe, from 1991 to 1992, where he wrote about African literature written in Portuguese. He is a member of AEMO (Association of Mozambican Writers) and a founding member of AMEAM (Association of Mozambican Medical Writers and Artists). He is a professor at the School of Medicine, University of Pretoria, South Africa, where he lives. His most recent novel “Asas Quebradas” (Broken Wings) was published in 2017 in Maputo.
Aldino Muianga wurde 1950 in Lourenço Marques, der heutigen mosambikanischen Hauptstadt Maputo geboren. An der dortigen Eduardo-Mondlane-Universität studierte er Medizin und spezialisierte sich auf Allgemeinchirurgie. Er schrieb literarische Glossen für die Rubriken »Correio do Rand« und »Sawubona« der Wochenblätter Jornal Domingo und Tempo und verfasste seit seinem ersten Erzählband 1987 ein umfangreiches literarisches Werk mit Erzählungen, Essays und bislang vier Romanen. Seine Erzählungen erschienen zudem in Anthologien, Zeitschriften und auf Websites in Mosambik und im Ausland: Portugal, Brasilien, Schweiz und Frankreich. Von 1991 bis 1992 war er Koordinator der Literaturseiten der Zeitschrift SAPES in Simbabwe und verfasste dort mehrere Aufsätze über portugiesischsprachige Literatur in Afrika. Er ist Mitglied der Mosambikanischen Schriftstellervereinigung AEMO und Gründungsmitglied der Vereinigung der Ärzte, Schriftsteller und Künstler Mosambiks AMEAM. Derzeit lehrt er an der Medizinfakultät der Universität von Pretoria, wo er auch lebt. Sein jüngster Roman »Asas Quebradas« erschien 2017 in Maputo.
Aldino Muianga was born in 1950 in the capital of Mozambique, currently called Maputo but called Lourenço Marques at the time of his birth. He has a Medical degree from the Eduardo Mondlane University and specialized in General Surgery. He published stories for outlets such as the newspaper Domingo and Tempo magazine. His extensive literary work (short stories, essays, novels), from 1987 onwards, were published in Mozambique, Portugal, Brazil, Switzerland, France and other countries. He coordinated the literary page of the magazine SAPES, published in Zimbabwe, from 1991 to 1992, where he wrote about African literature written in Portuguese. He is a member of AEMO (Association of Mozambican Writers) and a founding member of AMEAM (Association of Mozambican Medical Writers and Artists). He is a professor at the School of Medicine, University of Pretoria, South Africa, where he lives. His most recent novel “Asas Quebradas” (Broken Wings) was published in 2017 in Maputo.