Zsófia Bán
Zurück Hungary

Zsófia Bán


Zsófia Bán is a Hungarian fiction and essay writer, critic and scholar. She was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1957 and grew up in Brazil and Hungary. Her fiction has appeared in a number of foreign language translations, including German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Slovenian and others. She has been the recipient of a number of prizes for fiction, essay writing and criticism. Her most recent book of essays on the visual representation of historical memory is “Der Sommer unsres Missvergnügens” (The Summer of Our Discontent), published in 2019 by Matthes & Seitz and DAAD. Her latest book of stories “Weiter atmen” (Breathe further) has been recently translated by Terézia Mora and published in 2020 by Suhrkamp Verlag. Zsófia Bán was a writer-in-residence with the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program in 2015/16 and spent a month as house guest at LCB in February 2010. She lives and works in Budapest, where she is Associate Professor of American Studies at Eötvös Loránd University.

Zsófia Bán ist eine ungarische Autorin und Essayistin, Kritikerin und Wissenschaftlerin. Sie wurde 1957 in Rio de Janeiro geboren und wuchs in Brasilien und Ungarn auf. Ihre Fiktion wurde in mehrere Sprachen übersetzt, darunter Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch, Tschechisch und Slowenisch. Sie erhielt zahlreiche Preise für ihr Werk als Autorin, Essaystin und Kritikerin. »Der Sommer unsres Missvergnügens«, ihr jüngster Essayband, verhandelt die visuelle Darstellung des historischen Gedächtnisses und ist 2019 bei Matthes & Seitz erschienen. »Weiter atmen« wiederum, ihr jüngster Erzählband, wurde von Terézia Mora übersetzt und erschien kürzlich beim Suhrkamp Verlag. Zsófia Bán war 2015/16 Stipendiatin des Berliner Künstlerprogramms des DAAD und verbrachte den Februar 2010 als Hausgast des LCB in Berlin-Wannsee. Aktuell lebt und arbeitet sie in Budapest, wo sie als Associate Professor für Amerikastudien an der Eötvös-Loránd-Universität tätig ist

Zsófia Bán is a Hungarian fiction and essay writer, critic and scholar. She was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1957 and grew up in Brazil and Hungary. Her fiction has appeared in a number of foreign language translations, including German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Slovenian and others. She has been the recipient of a number of prizes for fiction, essay writing and criticism. Her most recent book of essays on the visual representation of historical memory is “Der Sommer unsres Missvergnügens” (The Summer of Our Discontent), published in 2019 by Matthes & Seitz and DAAD. Her latest book of stories “Weiter atmen” (Breathe further) has been recently translated by Terézia Mora and published in 2020 by Suhrkamp Verlag. Zsófia Bán was a writer-in-residence with the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program in 2015/16 and spent a month as house guest at LCB in February 2010. She lives and works in Budapest, where she is Associate Professor of American Studies at Eötvös Loránd University.

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