Yusi Avianto Pareanom (Jakarta) is an author and a journalist and the initiator of the Jakarta International Literary Festival. He is also known for translating literary texts into Indonesian. His collection of short stories “Grave Sin #14 & Other Stories” was published in 2015 in Indonesian, German and English. In fall 2019, he was in Germany to research for a novel project as part of the Crossing Borders Program of the Robert Bosch Foundation and the LCB.
Yusi Avianto Pareanom (Jakarta) ist Autor, Journalist und Initiator des Internationalen Literaturfestivals Jakarta. Außerdem hat er sich als Übersetzer literarischer Texte ins Indonesische einen Namen gemacht. Seine Kurzgeschichtensammlung »Grave Sin #14 & Other Stories« erschien 2015 in den drei Sprachen Indonesisch, Deutsch und Englisch. Im Herbst 2019 hielt er sich im Rahmen des Grenzgänger Programms der Robert Bosch Stiftung und des LCB in Deutschland auf, um für ein Romanprojekt zu recherchieren.
Yusi Avianto Pareanom (Jakarta) is an author and a journalist and the initiator of the Jakarta International Literary Festival. He is also known for translating literary texts into Indonesian. His collection of short stories “Grave Sin #14 & Other Stories” was published in 2015 in Indonesian, German and English. In fall 2019, he was in Germany to research for a novel project as part of the Crossing Borders Program of the Robert Bosch Foundation and the LCB.