Nhã Thuyên was born in Việt Nam and works as a writer and editor in Hà Nội. Her most recent books are bất\ \tuẫn: những hiện diện [tự-] vắng trong thơ Việt and its English edition: un\ \martyred: [self-]vanishing presences in Vietnamese poetry (Roofbook, USA, 2019) and moon fevers (Tilted Axis Press, UK, 2019). Her main practices are writing between languages, experimenting with translations and poetic exchanges. She’s been talking to walls and soliloquies some nonsense when having no other emergencies of life to deal with.
Nhã Thuyên wurde in Việt Nam geboren und arbeitet als Schriftstellerin und Redakteurin in Hà Nội. Ihre jüngsten Bücher sind bất\ \tuẫn: những hiện diện [tự-] vắng trong thơ Việt und dessen englische Ausgabe: un\ \martyred: [self-]vanishing presences in Vietnamese poetry (Roofbook, USA, 2019) und moon fevers (Tilted Axis Press, UK, 2019). Ihre Hauptpraktiken sind das Schreiben zwischen den Sprachen, das Experimentieren mit Übersetzungen und poetischem Austausch. Sie redet mit Wänden und hält Selbstgespräche über Unsinn, wenn sie keine anderen Notfälle des Lebens zu bewältigen hat.
Nhã Thuyên was born in Việt Nam and works as a writer and editor in Hà Nội. Her most recent books are bất\ \tuẫn: những hiện diện [tự-] vắng trong thơ Việt and its English edition: un\ \martyred: [self-]vanishing presences in Vietnamese poetry (Roofbook, USA, 2019) and moon fevers (Tilted Axis Press, UK, 2019). Her main practices are writing between languages, experimenting with translations and poetic exchanges. She’s been talking to walls and soliloquies some nonsense when having no other emergencies of life to deal with.