Logan February

Logan February is a non-binary Nigerian poet, songwriter and graduate student at Purdue University’s MFA program in Creative Writing. They and their work have been featured in The Guardian Life, Dazed, The Rumpus, Lambda Literary, Washington Square Review, Africa In Dialogue, and more. They are the author of “In The Nude” (Ouida Poetry, 2019 / PANK Books, 2021) and three chapbooks. With the kind support of the German Federal Foreign Office, Logan February will be invited to the LCB as a fellow for the digital residency Un_Masking Difference in November.

Logan February ist ein·e nicht-binäre·r Lyriker·in und Songwriter·in aus Nigeria. February studiert Kreatives Schreiben an der Purdue University und wurde in verschiedenen Zeitschriften veröffentlicht, u. a. in The Guardian Life, Dazed, The Rumpus, Lambda Literary, Washington Square Review und Africa In Dialogue. February hat drei Gedichtbände und die Sammlung »Mannequin in the Nude« (Ouida Poetry, 2019 / PANK Books, 2021) veröffentlicht, die für den Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poets nominiert war. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Auswärtigen Amts wird Logan February im November als Stipendiat des LCB an der digitalen Residenz Un_Masking Difference teilnehmen.

Logan February is a non-binary Nigerian poet, songwriter and graduate student at Purdue University’s MFA program in Creative Writing. They and their work have been featured in The Guardian Life, Dazed, The Rumpus, Lambda Literary, Washington Square Review, Africa In Dialogue, and more. They are the author of “In The Nude” (Ouida Poetry, 2019 / PANK Books, 2021) and three chapbooks. With the kind support of the German Federal Foreign Office, Logan February will be invited to the LCB as a fellow for the digital residency Un_Masking Difference in November.

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