Dina Salústio

Dina Salústio, born in 1941 in Santo Antão, Cape Verde, is a poet and prose writer, having also worked as a teacher, social worker and journalist in Cape Verde, Portugal and Angola. She is author of short story books and also writes for children and youth audiences. In 2001, she published a study on violence against women. Her work is the object of study in several countries. She is a founding member of the Cape Verdean Academy of Letters. She received various awards, among them the Rosalía de Castro Award in 2016.

Dina Salústio, geboren 1941 in Santo Antão, Kap Verde, ist Dichterin und Prosaautorin. Ferner arbeitete sie als Lehrerin, Sozialarbeiterin und Journalistin in Kap Verde, Portugal und Angola. Sie veröffentlichte Erzählbände und schreibt auch für Kinder und Jugendliche. Im Jahr 2001 verfasste sie eine Studie über Gewalt gegen Frauen. Ihr Werk ist Gegenstand von Studien in mehreren Ländern. Sie ist Gründungsmitglied der Kapverdischen Akademie der Literatur. Unter den verschiedenen Auszeichnungen, die sie erhielt, hebt sich 2016 der Rosalía de Castro-Preis hervor.

Dina Salústio, born in 1941 in Santo Antão, Cape Verde, is a poet and prose writer, having also worked as a teacher, social worker and journalist in Cape Verde, Portugal and Angola. She is author of short story books and also writes for children and youth audiences. In 2001, she published a study on violence against women. Her work is the object of study in several countries. She is a founding member of the Cape Verdean Academy of Letters. She received various awards, among them the Rosalía de Castro Award in 2016.

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